Reset Forgotten or Expired Password

To comply with security standards you may be prompted to reset your password or receive a message that your password has expired.  Passwords expire every 180 days.  When changing passwords, users must specify a password that satisfies complexity rules and has not been used in the past 365 days.

Reset password from Sign in page




Type your email address in the Email Address field and click Next.


Type Email Address


On the Password screen, click the Forgot your password? link.


Forgot your password link


To reset your password, you are required to answer a security question. Answer the question correctly and click Reset your password.


Answer security question


An email will be sent with a link to reset your password. The link is valid for 15 minutes. Check your email.


Check your email


Click the link in the email.


Click lthe link in the email


You will be returned to eVoucher and prompted to reset your password. Type and confirm your new password, type your email address, and click Reset.


Your password must be different than the previous password and be:

   at least 8 characters,

   at least one upper case character,

   at least one lower case character,

   at least one numerical character, and

   at least one special character (!,@,#,$,*,%,^,&,-,+).


Reset your password


A success message will be displayed. You can now sign in using the new password.


Password reset success